Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Writer's Workshop

This morning we were describing our teachers from last year, three remarkable ones.
Their names are Mr. Herman, Mrs Goodrich, and Mrs. Davidson. We were doing it for personal naritive
writing. And it was a doozy, Sophie talked about Mr. Herman, the god, Annabelle talked about how awesome he is. Fiona talked about Mrs. Davidson and her amazingness. She is very nice and friendly. Ms. Goodrich blowed students away with her clinging students in the past! What's next? Well Annabelle we also have lots and lots and lots of people talking about Mr. Herman's beautiful hair- boy is it! Beautiful!!! Ms.Davidson had a half year teacher, Mr.Gordon, because of her baby, Lilah.
That's Mrs. Davidson's baby. Mr. Gorden was very strong and incredibly funny-ha ha ha hee hee hee.
And now for the NEWS. We are working on trees. I know, I know, eh. Well, that's all! 
By Annabelle and Fiona

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